The H.E.L.P. Food Pantry

Zion United Methodist Church continues to Support and Collect Food to Assist those suffering from Food insecurities.
For Donations, Food can be dropped off at 652 Zion Road, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234.
For your convenience, Bins are available at the front entrance of the Church Fellowship Hall.
The H.E.L.P. Food Pantry is Available EVERY 3rd Saturday, of each month from 9AM to 12PM.
Sock Rock
Socks are the least donated and most requested items at shelters. Over the years, Sock Rock has given away over 18,000 NEW pairs of socks to people experiencing homelessness throughout Southern New Jersey. If you would like to learn about being a SOCK ROCK sponsor or volunteer, please see Pastor Keith or Bonnie. Take this opportunity to make a difference in the life of a person experiencing homelessness. Donate to or volunteer for Sock Rock and Be Somebody who cares!
Joy Phillips
Note from Joy:
In July 2017, I was appointed World Gospel Mission’s Regional Director for Europe, Asia and Oceania. I am overseeing WGM’s ministry in Ukraine, Hungary, Albania, Spain, India, China, Cambodia, Japan and Papua New Guinea. We’re helping the missionaries in this region to clarify their vision and look for ways to increase God’s Kingdom in each sphere of ministry. Thanks for journeying with me. Want to stay in touch? Subscribe to my blog here: Click here for Joy’s Blogspot.
Community Food Bank of NJ
With the help of donors and volunteers, the Community Food Bank of NJ provides food, and hope to those in need, serving Atlantic, Cumberland, Cape May, and Burlington Counties.
Operation Christmas Child/Samaritan’s Purse
Girls and boys in more than 150 countries have experienced the joy of Christmas and heard the Good news of Jesus Christ, thanks to caring people like you who have packed over 100 million shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child since 1993. Multitudes of these children have given their hearts to Jesus, have been discipled, and are now ambassadors for Christ in their communities.
The A21 Campaign
Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Every thirty seconds someone is forced into modern-day slavery. Over 27 million is the current estimate of slaves worldwide, more than at any point in human history. We believe these statistics are unacceptable. These are lost and stolen human lives which we at the A21 Campaign are relentlessly fighting for. We are investing our lives, devoting our unique skills and resources to bring justice and freedom to those that desperately need it.
Walk to Emmaus/Chrysalis/Face to Face
The Walk to Emmaus and its youth event, Chrysalis, are experiences of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begin with a three-day short course in Christianity. They are opportunities to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed through other believers. The objective of Emmaus/Chrysalis is to inspire, challenge, and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of work. Many members of our church give of their time and resources to support these ministries.
Face to Face – An adaptation of The Walk to Emmaus, Face to Face is specifically crafted to meet the needs and life-stages of older adults. The program seeks to invite men and women, ages 60 and older, to experience Jesus through an 8-session journey, covering subjects such as discipleship, mission, grief, and end-of-life issues. The highly flexible schedule allows participants the freedom to engage in structured Bible study and prayer in a church setting or other community space. Led by clergy and lay leaders, Face to Face strengthens and renews followers of Christ and bolsters the spiritual life of individuals, families, and congregations everywhere. Face to Face is open to members of any Christian denomination who want to strengthen their spiritual lives, discover answers to their questions about faith, and are open to understanding the responsibility of living a Christian lifestyle.
Ranch Hope
Ranch Hope was founded in 1962 by the Rev. and Mrs. David Bailey to assist youth in trouble. With the assistance of Hiram Strang, a local dairy farmer, Rev. Bailey was able to purchase a 100 acre farm in Alloway, NJ . Over the years four additional cottages were added. In 1988, an expansive program redesign was completed in order to meet the changing needs of children. Ranch Hope now serves over 90 young men and women through its residential, education, and camping programs.
Delanco Camp
“Delanco Camp – Holiness unto the Lord since 1898.” Delanco Camp has been spreading the gospel and sharing the message of holiness in South Jersey for more than a century.
United Methodist Communities of New Jersey Fellowship Fund (formerly United Methodist Homes) is a benevolence fund designed to assist in providing care to those who have exhausted their financial resources. It grows through generous gifts of cash, securities, bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, real estate, and personal property. The Fellowship Fund is a financial safety net for residents who are no longer able to cover either part of or the full cost of their care and/or services. This fund ensures that no resident will be asked to leave due to the inability to pay.
Zion Cross Ministry – formerly known as “Carol’s Crosses”
Carol’s Crosses began back in 1999. Thanks to the commitment and hard work of Carol Keates, Dave Clayton, Pearl Andrews, and Paul D’Acunto, thousands of handmade wooden crosses have been sent all over the world, including every state in the US, Mexico and as far away as China. They have been sent to give comfort to those in Columbine, Sandy Hook, New York City (9-11) and New Orleans. Crosses with Zion UMC information are given out each year to those who visit our Living Nativity. Thanks to your support, all of these crosses have been sent away and given out free of charge. It is truly a labor of love, reaching the world for Christ. Now and in the future, for the sake of continuing reaching the world for Christ, we hope to refresh, renew and expand the scope of this important ministry. Each one of us has the opportunity to take a cross with us on vacation, to a funeral or wedding, for honoring a baptism, or just to have available for that perfect witnessing moment we never see coming. We covet your prayers! May God be glorified by our efforts.
Atlantic City Rescue Mission
The Atlantic City Rescue Mission is a nonprofit, Christian social service ministry helping and offering hope to the poor and homeless in southern New Jersey since 1964. People who have no home receive practical help, counseling, and Christian compassion, built on effective, innovative, Christian-based recovery programs. They are brought from despair into a productive, good quality of life within the community – because they learn to have faith in themselves.
The Mission also serves the de-institutionalized mentally ill, individuals addicted to alcohol, drugs, and gambling, and elderly or disabled with no family and little income. The Mission is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. More than 700 meals are served each day.
Habitat for Humanity, Atlantic County
is a locally run affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization. Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with people in need to build and renovate decent, affordable housing. The houses are then sold to those in need at no profit, and with no interest charged to the buyer.