Blackman Meeting House
The religious and social center of Bargaintown was Blackman’s Meeting House built in 1764 by the Presbyterian residents and the special efforts of John Brainard, a patriot of the Revolution. After 1789, Methodists shared the building and in 1814 purchased it. Needing more space for a growing congregation, a brick building was erected in 1822 close to the original meetinghouse.
$1525.95 was pledged to the building fund, which seems ridiculously low,
but so were the invoices tendered:
Digging well 18 ft. deep…..$6.50
Laying 54,050 brick…..$135.12 1/2
Painting and glazing 364 lights…..$18.00
Two bundles of lath…..$ .20
3355 feet of frame stull $31.87
500 feet of 5/8 cedar boards $7.50
Carting 13,600 brick $8.50
Two days work painting $1.50
(source, “Sketches of Egg Harbor Township; Bargaintown” by Beryl D. Mason)